FaceOSC Installation and Processing Examples

Download FaceOSC:

https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker/releases (.zip)

Changing faceOSC settings:

Inside the FaceOSC package there is an xml file called settings.xml.
Right Click → Show Package Content → data → settings.xml
port: must be the same in both applications (defaults to 8338)
host: localhost will send to the same computer otherwise find the correct ip address of the computer you are sending to.

OSC Messages:

FaceOSC address specification:

Always sent
Sent when a face is being tracked

Face OSC Templates


FaceOSC and Processing

To make FaceOSC working width Processing you need the OSCP5 library

FaceOSC processing templates

Open FaceOSC, and run the sketches